Albany IDA Project Index
Sheridan Hollow Village
Project Number: 01011412
Project Address: Sheridan Hollow Neighborhood - scattered site
Applicant Name: Sheridan Hollow Village LLC
Owner(s): HV Consultants Holding Co., LLC, Key Community Development Corporation
Developer: Housing Visions Connsultants
Project Description:
The project is part of a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization strategy in the Sheridan Hollow neighborhood proposed by non-profit organizations Housing Visions Consultants, Inc., Habitat for Humanity Capital District, and Touhey Home Ownership Foundation. The project entails the construction of approximately 17 buildings, which will encompass 57 quality affordable rental housing units, 1,000 +/- SF of on-site management/community space, and 9,900 +/- SF of commercial space. The on-site management/ community space and commercial space will be part of two mixed-use buildings that will include affordable housing on the second and third floors.
Approval Date: 12/20/2012
Estimated Net Benefit to Local Taxing Jurisdictions (PILOT): $908,012
Estimated Employment Impact: 45 construction jobs and 2 full-time equivalent jobs created, 16 full-time equivalent retained
Project Documents
Project Documents
- Final Project Summary - Sheridan Hollow Village, LLC
- PILOT Agreement - Sheridan Hollow Village, LLC
- Approving Resolutions - Sheridan Hollow Village, LLC
- Application - Sheridan Hollow Village, LLC
- PARIS Report - Sheridan Hollow Village, LLC
Meeting Materials
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 9.13.12
- IDA Board Materials 9.20.12
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 12.13.12
- IDA Board Materials 12.20.12
- IDA Board Materials 3.17.16
Meeting Minutes
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 9.13.12
- IDA Board Minutes 9.20.12
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 12.13.12
- IDA Board Minutes 12.20.12
- IDA Board Minutes 3.17.16