Albany IDA Project Index
Morris Street Apartments
Project Number: 01011102A
Project Address: 70 Morris Street
Applicant Name: MCK 27 Enterprises, LLC
Owner(s): Mark T. Clark, Christopher H. Kelly
Developer: MCK 27 Enterprises LLC
Project Description:
The project consists of the conversion of approximately 10,000 SF of vacant commercial space to 9 residential rental units.
Approval Date: 10/21/2010
Estimated Net Benefit to Local Taxing Jurisdictions (PILOT): No PILOT
Estimated Employment Impact:
Project Documents
Project Documents
- Final Project Summary - Morris Street Development
- PILOT Agreement - Morris Street Development
- Approving Resolutions - Morris Street Development
- Application - Morris Street Development
- PARIS Report - Morris Street Development
Meeting Materials
- IDA Board Materials 9.16.10
- IDA Board Materials 10.21.10
- IDA Board Materials 6.19.14
- IDA Board Materials 9.21.17
Meeting Minutes
- IDA Board Minutes 9.16.10
- IDA Board Minutes 10.21.10
- IDA Board Minutes 6.19.14
- IDA Board materials 9.21.17