Albany IDA Project Index
Harmony Mills South
Project Number: 01012003
Project Address: 90 State Street
Applicant Name: Harmony Mills South, LLC
Owner(s): Mohawk Trust, HM Trust
Developer: Uri Kaufman
Project Description:
This project consists of the conversion of the upper 11 stories of this 15-story structure into 154 market-rate residential units. This property is presently primarily used for office space, with commercial/retail space on the ground floor. Post conversion, a portion of the office space as well as the existing commercial uses will remain.
Approval Date: 8/22/2019
Estimated Net Benefit to Local Taxing Jurisdictions (PILOT): $3,123,127
Estimated Employment Impact: 89 construction jobs and 1 full-time equivalent job created, 4 full-time equivalent jobs retained
Project Documents
Project Documents
- Final Project Summary - Harmony Mills South, LLC
- PILOT Agreement - Harmony Mills South, LLC
- Approving Resolutions - Harmony Mills South, LLC
- Application - Harmony Mills South, LLC
- Project Benefit Analysis - Harmony Mills South, LLC
- Project Benefit Agreement - Harmony Mills South, LLC
- PARIS Report - Harmony Mills South, LLC
- Resolution Authorizing Modification - Harmony Mills South LLC
Meeting Materials
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 6.12.19
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 7.10.19
- IDA Board Materials 07.18.19
- IDA Finance Committee Meeting Materials 8.14.19
- IDA Regular Board Meeting Materials 8.22.19
Meeting Minutes
- IDA Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 6.12.19
- IDA Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 7.10.19
- IDA Board Minutes 7.18.19
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 8.14.19
- IDA Board Minutes 8.22.19