Albany IDA Project Index
Columbia Harriman 455 LLC
Project Number: 01011301
Project Address: 455 Patroon Creek Boulevard
Applicant Name: Columbia Harriman 455 LLC
Owner(s): Joseph R. Nicolla, Richard A. Rosen
Developer: Columbia Development
Project Description:
The project consists of the acquisition of a parcel of land located at 455 Patroon Creek Boulevard and the construction thereon of an approximately 42,000 SF building consisting of commercial office uses, surface parking, other related amenities, and the installation of various equipment, machinery, and personal property.
Approval Date: 5/19/2011
Estimated Net Benefit to Local Taxing Jurisdictions (PILOT):
Estimated Employment Impact: 0 Construction jobs and 80 full-time jobs created, 0 full-time retained
Project Documents
Project Documents
- PILOT Agreement - Columbia Harriman 455 LLC
- Approving Resolutions - Columbia Harriman 455 LLC
- Application - Columbia Harriman 455 LLC
- PARIS Report - Columbia Harriman 455 LLC
Meeting Materials
- IDA Board Materials 12.16.10
- IDA Board Materials 1.20.11
- IDA Board Materials 2.17.11
- IDA Board Materials 5.6.11
- IDA Board Materials 5.19.11
- IDA Board Materials 11.21.13
Meeting Minutes
- IDA Board Minutes 12.16.10
- IDA Board Minutes 1.20.11
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 2.17.11
- IDA Board Minutes 5.6.11
- IDA Board Minutes 5.19.11
- IDA Board Minutes 11.21.13