Albany IDA Project Index
760 Broadway
Project Number: 01011802
Project Address: 760 Broadway
Applicant Name: 760 Broadway LLC
Owner(s): David Sarraf, Harris Sarraf
Developer: Fairbanks Properties
Project Description:
The project consists of the acquisition of a 1.4-acre parking lot at 766 Broadway and the construction of an approximately five-story +/- 125,000 SF market-rate apartment building. The building will be comprised of 88 residential units with up to 110 interior garage parking spaces on the ground floor. Additionally, there will be one retail space (500 – 1,250 SF) on the ground floor with frontage on Broadway.
Approval Date: 10/20/2016
Estimated Net Benefit to Local Taxing Jurisdictions (PILOT): $501,896
Estimated Employment Impact: 100 construction jobs and 3 full-time equivalent jobs created, 0 full-time retained
Project Documents
Project Documents
- Final Project Summary - 760 Broadway
- PILOT Agreement - 760 Broadway
- Approving Resolutions - 760 Broadway
- Application - 760 Broadway
- Project Benefit Agreement - 760 Broadway
- PARIS Report - 760 Broadway
Meeting Materials
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 5.12.15
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 6.10.15
- IDA Finance Committee 7.8.15
- IDA Board Materials 7.16.15
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 8.12.15
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 9.17.15
- IDA Board Materials 9.17.15
- IDA Board Materials 10.20.16
Meeting Minutes
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 5.12.15
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 6.10.15
- IDA Finance Committee 7.8.15
- IDA Board Minutes 7.16.15
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 8.12.15
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 9.17.15
- IDA Board Minutes 9.17.15
- IDA Board Minutes 10.20.16