Albany IDA Project Index
136 State Street Property LLC
Project Number: 01011402
Project Address: 134-136 State Street
Applicant Name: 136 State Street Properties LLC
Owner(s): Joseph R. Nicolla, Richard A. Rosen
Developer: Columbia Development
Project Description:
The project consists of the acquisition of two parcels of land along with the acquisition and renovation of two existing five-story buildings into +/-18,000 SF of commercial office space. The project includes the installation of tenant finishes, personal property, fixtures, furniture, and equipment.
Approval Date: 01/23/2014
Estimated Net Benefit to Local Taxing Jurisdictions (PILOT): $207,096
Estimated Employment Impact: 25 construction jobs and 40 full-time equivalent jobs created, 0 full-time equivalent retained
Project Documents
Project Documents
- Final Project Summary - 136 State Street Property LLC
- PILOT Agreement - 136 State Street Property LLC
- Approving Resolutions - 136 State Street Property LLC
- Application - 136 State Street Property LLC
- PARIS Agreement - 136 State Street Property LLC
Meeting Materials
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 9.19.13
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 10.9.13 PT.1
- IDA Finance Committee Meeting Materials 10.9.13 PT 2
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 11.13.13
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 1.16.14
- IDA Board Materials 1.23.14
Meeting Minutes
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 9.19.13
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 10.9.13
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 11.13.13
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 1.16.14
- IDA Board Minutes 1.23.14