Albany IDA Project Index
The Gateway Apartments
Project Number: 01011202A
Project Address: 4-6 Sheridan Avenue
Applicant Name: 4 - 6 Sheridan, LLC
Owner(s): Guy Alonge III, Clemente Parente, Daniel Sanders
Developer: Gary Brown
Project Description:
This building, a former restaurant and brewery, was vacant for two years due to bank foreclosure under the previous owner. The applicant is currently in the midst of rehabilitating the five story, 21,000 sq.ft. commercial building into a mixed-use structure. The building will house 13 market rate apartments (studio, one bedroom and two bedroom) on floors 2-5 and 3,000 sq.ft. of retail/ restaurant space on the first floor. The project requires the removal and replacement of many of the existing partition walls, plumbing, electrical wiring, HVAC, windows, etc.
Approval Date: 10/20/2011
Estimated Net Benefit to Local Taxing Jurisdictions (PILOT): $142,706
Estimated Employment Impact: 24-40 Construction jobs and 40 full-time jobs created, 0 full-time retained
Project Documents
Project Documents
- Final Project Summary - 4-6 Sheridan LLC
- PILOT Agreement - 4-6 Sheridan LLC
- Approving Resolutions - 4-6 Sheridan LLC
- Application - 4-6 Sheridan LLC
- PARIS Report - 4-6 Sheridan LLC
Meeting Materials
- IDA Board Materials 8.18.11
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 10.13.11
- IDA Board Materials 10.20.11
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 8.11.11
- IDA Board Materials 11.15.18
Meeting Minutes
- IDA Board Minutes 8.18.11
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 10.13.11
- IDA Board Minutes 10.20.11
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 8.11.11
- IDA Board Minutes 11.15.18