Albany IDA Project Index
The Swinburne Building
Project Number: 01011811
Project Address: 526 Central Avenue
Applicant Name: The Swinburne Building, LLC
Owner(s): Larry Regan
Developer: Regan Development
Project Description:
The project consists of the construction of a new 108,400 SF, five story mixed-use building. The Project will provide 21,400 SF of leasable commercial space on the first two stories of the building and will also contain 74 affordable housing units. Based on a letter from the City of Albany Assessor (dated 07/24/2018), it is anticipated the assessed value of this property will increase from $1,300,800 to $7,236,500, and the project will produce an additional $5,595,890 in revenue to the taxing jurisdictions over the course of the PILOT. Equinox will use commercial space within the development for back office operations and Whitney Young will operate a primary care facility within the project.
Approval Date: 9/20/2018
Estimated Net Benefit to Local Taxing Jurisdictions (PILOT): $5,595,890
Estimated Employment Impact: 65 Construction jobs and 47 full-time jobs created, 0 full-time retained
Project Documents
Project Documents
- Final Project Summary - Swinburne
- PILOT Agreement - Swinburne
- Approving Resolutions - Swinburne
- Application - Swinburne
- Project Benefit Analysis - Swinburne
- Project Benefit Agreement - Swinburne
- PARIS Report - Swinburne
Meeting Materials
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 8.08.18
- IDA Board Meeting Materials 9.20.18
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 10.10.18
Meeting Minutes
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 08.08.18
- IDA Regular Board Minutes 09.20.18
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 10.10.18