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Albany IDA Project Index

Sixty State Place

Project Number: 01011206Z

Project Address: 60 State Street

Applicant Name: Sixty State Place, LLC

Owner(s): Jeffrey Gordon, David Gordon

Developer: Gordon Companies

Project Description:

The project consists of the rehabilitation of a vacant four-story, 21,000 SF commercial building, formerly occupied by a bank, into a mixed-use structure. The building will house 12 market-rate apartments on floors 2-4 and 9,700 SF of restaurant space on the first floor.

Approval Date: 08/18/2011

Estimated Net Benefit to Local Taxing Jurisdictions (PILOT): $84,117

Estimated Employment Impact: 30 - 40 construction jobs and 85 full-time equivalent jobs created, 0 full-time equivalent retained

Project Documents

Project Documents

Meeting Materials

Meeting Minutes

Public Hearings

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