Albany IDA Project Index
363 Ontario Street
Project Number: 01011801
Project Address: 363 Ontario Street
Applicant Name: 363 Ontario Street LLC
Owner(s): Ryan Jankow , Tom Lynch
Developer: Jankow Companies
Project Description:
The project consists of the acquisition of a +/- 1.8 acre parcel of land, demolition of the existing structure on site, and construction of three buildings totaling 58,500 SF, which will create +/- 109 residential apartment units (with tenant amenities), 99 underground parking spaces, 43 surface parking spaces, and 4,000-6,000 SF of retail space. Acquisition of various personal property and furniture, fixtures, and equipment are also part of the project.
Approval Date: 03/01/2018
Estimated Net Benefit to Local Taxing Jurisdictions (PILOT): $4,776,223
Estimated Employment Impact: 85 Construction jobs and 5 full-time jobs created, 0 full-time retained
Project Documents
Project Documents
- Final Project Summary - 363 Ontario Street
- PILOT Agreement - 363 Ontario Street
- Approving Resolutions - 363 Ontario Street
- Project Benefit Analysis - 363 Ontario Street
- Application - 363 Ontario Street
- Project Benefit Agreement - 363 Ontario Street
- PARIS Report - 363 Ontario Street
Meeting Materials
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 12.13.17
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 01.10.18
- IDA Materials Board Meeting 01.18.18
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 2.7.18
- IDA Board Materials 02.15.18
- IDA Special Board Meeting Materials 03.01.18
Meeting Minutes
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 12.13.17
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 1.10.18
- IDA Board Meeting Minutes 1.18.18
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 2.7.18
- IDA Board Meeting Minutes 02.15.18
- IDA Special Board Meeting Minutes 03.01.18