Albany IDA Project Index
Morris Place
Project Number: 01012006
Project Address: 105 Morris Street
Applicant Name: Morris Place LLC
Owner(s): Sameh Asaad, Gihan Asaad
Developer: Sameh Asaad
Project Description:
This project consists of the demolition of an existing apartment building and the construction of a five story apartment building. Indoor parking will be built for 16 cars at grade, and four floors of apartments will be constructed above. The project will contain a total of 28 residential dwelling units. It is anticipated that the community of tenants will include young professionals, graduate/medical students and staff of Albany Medical Center, which is a short walking distance away.
Approval Date: 10/18/2018
Estimated Net Benefit to Local Taxing Jurisdictions (PILOT): $752,578
Estimated Employment Impact: 40 construction jobs and 2 full-time equivalent jobs created, 0 full-time equivalent retained
Project Documents
Project Documents
- Final Project Summary - Morris Place
- PILOT Agreement - Morris Place
- Approving Resolutions - Morris Place
- Application - Morris Place
- Project Benefit Agreement - Morris Place
- Project Benefit Analysis - Morris Place
- PARIS Report - Morris Place
Meeting Materials
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 06.13.18
- IDA Finance Committee Meeting Materials 7.11.18
- IDA Board Materials 07.19.18
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 08.08.18
- IDA Board Meeting Materials 10.18.18
- IDA Board meeting materials 5.19.22
Meeting Minutes
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 6.13.18
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 7.11.18
- IDA Board Minutes 07.19.18
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 08.08.18
- IDA Board Minutes 10.18.18