Albany IDA Project Index
Project Number: TRPS Lark LLC
Project Address: 353 Lark St., Albany, NY 12208
Applicant Name: TRPS Lark LLC (c/o Ron Stein)
Owner(s): Ron Stein
Developer: Ron Stein
Project Description:
Currently vacant parcels of land that will have construction and installation of a 40 unit apartment building (approximately 9,300 square feet per floor) with 4 residential floors (10 one bedroom apartments on each floor). Up to 24 Off-street leased (shared) parking spots.
Approval Date: 5/19/2022
Estimated Net Benefit to Local Taxing Jurisdictions (PILOT): $2,277,203.00
Estimated Employment Impact: 165 Construction Jobs
Project Documents
Project Documents
- TRPS Lark, LLC Project Application
- Public Hearing Resolution TRPS Lark
- Approving Resolution - TRPS Lark LLC
- PILOT Deviation Approval Resolution - TRPS Lark LLC
- Resolution Confirming SEQR Determination - TRPS Lark LLC
- Commercial/Retail Findings Resolution - TRPS Lark LLC
Meeting Materials
- IDA Finance Committee materials 3.9.22
- IDA Finance Committee materials 4.13.22
- IDA Regular Board Meeting Notice 4.21.2022
- IDA Finance Committee Meeting Notice 5.11.2022
- IDA Regular Board Meeting Notice 5.19.2022
- IDA Board Meeting Materials 5.18.23
Meeting Minutes
- IDA Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 3.9.2022
- IDA Regular Meeting Minutes 3.17.2022
- IDA Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 4.13.2022
- IDA Regular Meeting Minutes 4.21.2022
- IDA Board Meeting Minutes 5.18.23