Albany IDA Project Index
Landmark Albany
Project Number: 01012004
Project Address: 100 Sandidge Way
Applicant Name: Loughlin Dawn, LLC
Owner(s): Norm Massry, Mark Rosen
Developer: Dawn Homes Management LLC
Project Description:
The project consists of the construction of seven new buildings on five (5) tax parcels totaling 6.49 acres of land. The seven buildings will contain 252 residential apartment units, a clubhouse/office portion of one building, common areas, and parking for 343 cars.
Approval Date: 11/15/2018
Estimated Net Benefit to Local Taxing Jurisdictions (PILOT): $8,817,333
Estimated Employment Impact: 165 construction jobs and 7 full-time equivalent jobs created, 0 full-time equivalent retained
Project Documents
Project Documents
- Final Project Summary - Loughlin Dawn
- PILOT Agreement Phase I - Loughlin Dawn
- PILOT Agreement Phase II - Loughlin Dawn
- PILOT Agreement Phase III - Loughlin Dawn
- PILOT Agreement Phase IV - Loughlin Dawn
- Approving Resolutions - Loughlin Dawn
- Application - Loughlin Dawn
- Project Benefit Analysis - Loughlin Dawn
- Project Benefit Agreement - Loughlin Dawn
- PARIS Report - Loughlin Dawn
Meeting Materials
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 10.10.18
- IDA Board Materials 10.18.18
- IDA Finance Committee Materials 11.07.18
- IDA Board Materials 11.15.18
- IDA Board meeting materials 7.21.22
Meeting Minutes
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 10.10.18
- IDA Board Minutes 10.18.18
- IDA Finance Committee Minutes 11.07.18
- IDA Board Minutes 11.15.18